Friday, June 11, 2010

Site Update.

Listeners of the World,

Today at 2:30 PM EST there will be a newsletter going out to all of our local editors explaining what is going on with the new site. Well I am aware that not everyone who is interesting about the process of the new site is a local editor. This is way I am posting the contents of the newsletter on here so that everyone can be on the same page. Please see below for the contents of the OurTown newsletter:

We have been working on a brand new site for over the past 6 months with a goal of releasing it in May of 2010. Due to the complex nature of a building a site such as a new OurTown we have fallen behind and did not meet our mark. We are still working on the site and making sure that we have all the features that will be needed for our local editors and their viewers. We are going to send out a schedule next week after I meet with the programming team to have dates of when the new site will be up. I know that this a very disappointing news and I hope that you will not get discouraged about the new site for it is coming and very soon.Just to help explain why it is taking this long I wanted to include a description of what will be in the new site and what has been changed and added.

First things first when explaining the new site is that we did not build it off the old site, or just add features for we started from nothing and build it in a newer programming language that would offer better functionality. We have also contracted 2 companies to create a completely new theme to the site with web 2.0 graphics. This should present easier navigation of the site and a much more pleasing setup for your viewers. We have also redesigned and added another type of media for the site. We have built new photo galleries, with a new article management system that will not only help with entering in articles but to sort and manage them as well. Another major change will be our new ad portal which will allow companies to go in and ad their own ads to your sites without our local editors doing anything. It will also help with ad pricing and manage.

These are just some of the new features that we have in the new site. We have worked through most of the problems and will be hopefully releasing this site very soon. Please stay tuned for more updates and don't forget to follow our Blog, Twitter, and Facebook for updates, news stories, and just random fun!

Hopefully this will help explain the delay and give everyone something to look forward to!

Your OurTown Super hero,


1 comment:

  1. May I get placed on this distribution list ? Thank you.
