Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Listeners of the World,

If you haven't heard (which I would find it hard to believe at this point) the internet giant known as AOL has created its own hyper local news site named Patch.com! Many people have been talking about and learning about the new site over the past year as it has tried to move across the US. Below is some of what we have learned!

Patch functions in similar ways to OurTown with having a local editor from each area being in charge of the individual site. But, Patch is very different in the way that local editors are paid a base pay and do not get anything for the local ads. They also are spending about 30 million a quarter to run the site itself! Both sites promote communities on a very local platform and are setup for people to contribute articles, photos, events, etc. And both sites focus in on local stories and businesses.

Many people have tried to look at Patch and come up a business plan that makes sense or lets them turn a profit.........and many have failed to do so. I have heard from current Patch editors and former employees that there seems to be a lot of confusion/waste in the process and do not believe that Patch will be a success. Also, many articles have been written about Patch.....calling it un-newsworthy.....waste of money......flawed business plan and so on. They have not been too nice to Patch even though it seems like the site has been gaining a lot of attention!

Even with all of this we see Patch as a big competitor and are shaping our new site to be able to overcome this giant! We will have different features and focuses from what Patch is doing, which we think will win in the end.

Many say it will fail, and they think it's the future. Only time will tell, and only you will decided!

Your OurTown Superhero,


Monday, January 10, 2011

Media in the New Year!

Listeners of the World,

It is now 2011 and I believe that media will be bigger than ever this year! With all the new advances in technology and in the way that the news is delivered....... more and more people are getting involved. Their is more online news sites, more people reporting and sharing the news, and more ways to receive the news. We are becoming more connected and aware as a nation!

Now there are many different sources of news out there (TV, newspapers, online, mobile, etc.), but I believe we will see a clear winner this year.........online/mobile news! Online has been building steam for many years now, and I think that this year it will completely take over in all facets. Even bigger Newspapers (WSJ, Post, Tribune) have been working on and providing online versions of their paper. And now with TV starting to fade from traditional viewing to online viewing, so will the local news. You will see more people accessing the local news site than watching it on TV!

By the end of 2011 you will see a majority of people using the internet for everything.....watching their favorite TV shows, shopping, socializing (Facebook, Twitter), and most importantly finding their news! One may wonder that by the time 2012 gets here if there will be the need for human interaction at all, or will it all be done electronically?

Your OurTown Superhero,
